Vitamix Ascent A2300i



Equipped with Variable Speed Control and Pulse, the Vitamix A2300i lets you easily adjust the texture of every dish. Built-in wireless connectivity will allow Ascent™ Series blenders to evolve with the latest innovations for years to come.


With the purchase of your Vitamix Ascent 2300i attend an Online Workshop with Mihaela Brijak

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Explore all the amazing things you can make with your Vitamix Ascent A2300i blender

This blender is much more than just a smoothie machine. Enjoy all your days with healthy and delicious meals and feel the benefits of your life. Discover new ingredients and create new recipes from breakfast to dinner.

Hot soups, baby food, flour and dough, nut butters, frozen desserts, dressings and sauces, vegetable milks, smoothies, juices, spreads, pâtés, meal prep.

Buy your Vitamix Ascent A2300i and be part of my next online workshop. *

You can choose any of my next workshops, learn when you want and access the class as many times as you need.

* Exclusive promotion for purchases of Vitamix blenders on my website:

Vitamix A2300i ‘s Control Panel

Every machine in the line offers the same power and versatility you expect from us. There really isn’t a wrong choice in the bunch. Just choose the controls that fit your cooking style—touchscreen versus sturdy switches, automated blending versus total control.

Vitamix Ascent 2300i
1-10 Speed Dial
Start/Stop Switch
Pulse Switch
Digital Timer
SELF-DETECT™ Technology

Vitamix Ascent A2300i

  1. 1-10 Speed Dial
  2. Start/Stop Switch
  3. Pulse Switch
  4. Digital Timer
  5. SELF-DETECT® Technology

What comes in the box


Vitamix Ascent A2300i smart blender

BUY your Vitamix A2300i

Product Information


Equipped with Variable Speed Control and Pulse, the Vitamix A2300i lets you easily adjust the texture of every dish. Built-in wireless connectivity will allow Ascent™ Series blenders to evolve with the latest innovations for years to come.

vitamix ascent a2300i

You’re In Control
Variable Speed Control and Pulse feature let you manually fine-tune the texture of any recipe.

Pulse Feature
With the Pulse feature, layer coarse chops over smooth purées for heartier recipes, such as chunky pasta sauce or thick vegetable soups.

Built-In Wireless Connectivity
The motor base is able to read the container size you’ve chosen and automatically adjust program settings and maximum blending times accordingly.

Digital Timer
A built-in digital timer removes the guesswork with recipes you process manually, helping you achieve the perfect texture every time.

Pairs with the Vitamix Perfect Blend™ App
Unlock the Vitamix Ascent A2300i ‘s full potential with 17 programs and 500+ recipes with the iOS + Android app.

Pair with Any Self-Detect Containers
Add a range of compatible container sizes, building a customized blending system designed to fit your needs.


Series: Ascent
Model: Vitamix Ascent A2300i
Colors: White, Black, Red, Slate
Dimensions: 20,32cm x 27,94cm x 43,18cm
Electrical Ratings: 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 1200-1400 W
Weight: 6,93 kg
Cord: 1,2 m
Use: Household
Manufacturer: VITAMIX – Cleveland, Ohio USA.

Owner Manual

Ascent Series Blenders
10-Year Full Warranty

We stand behind the quality of our machines with full warranties, covering all parts, performance, labor at no cost to you.

Najčešća pitanja za Vitamix

Kako mogu pronaći blender Vitamix koji mi najbolje odgovara?

Sa svim blenderima Vitamix možete izvoditi iste razne kulinarske tehnike, uključujući svilenkaste smoothieje, teksturirane umake, vruće juhe i smrznute deserte. Svi modeli iz serije Ascent imaju jednaku snagu. Glavna razlika je broj automatskih programa i vrste upravljanja za svaki model. Razlike u pločama i kontrolama možete pronaći na ovoj poveznici. Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, možete mi pisati ovdje i predložit ću vam najprikladniji proizvod.

Čemu služe ti RPM-ovi?

Prosječni blenderi na tržištu imaju do 15.000 okretaja u minuti. Nešto snažniji modeli postižu 25.000 okretaja u minuti. Vitamix blenderi imaju maksimalnu brzinu od 37.000 okretaja u minuti.

S ovim brojem okretaja, oštrice Vitamix omogućit će vam postizanje svilenkaste teksture i za vaš smoothie i za maslac od lješnjaka. Također, zahvaljujući ovoj brzini miješanja, s vašim Vitamixom možete puno brže uživati ​​u svojim kreacijama.

Gdje mogu pronaći više informacija kako bih bolje koristio svoj Vitamix?

Ako svoj blender Vitamix kupite kod nas, dobit ćete besplatne virtualne satove u mojoj Akademiji sirove hrane i savjete za maksimalno korištenje svog stroja. Na poklon ćete dobiti i e-knjigu s različitim receptima kako bi vaš Vitamix postao glavna oprema u vašoj kuhinji.

Zašto Vitamix nema staklenu posudu?

Tim za istraživanje i razvoj za Vitamix kontinuirano istražuje razvoj novih proizvoda. Trenutno Vitamix nije pronašao dizajn staklene posude koji udovoljava strogim zahtjevima sigurnosti i performansi.
Vitamix ima BPA free posude od Tritan poliestera koji je najčvršći i najsigurniji materijal koji smije doći u doticaj s hranom od plastičnih legura. Budući da se oštrice okreću velikom brzinom, kako ne bi došlo do težih ozljeda ukoliko nekome ostane žlica u posudi (što je ponekada slučaj), novi Vitamix modeli nemaju staklene vrčeve.

Kako se čiste Vitamix blenderi?

Strojevi serije Vitamix Ascent samoočišćuju se za 60 sekundi ili manje, nije potrebno rastavljanje. Spremnici za istu seriju također su pogodni za pranje u perilici posuđa.

Hoće li se novi blender serije Ascent ™ uklopiti ispod mojih gornjih ormarića?

Svaki blender serije Ascent je 43 cm visok s postavljenim poklopcem, tako da ove jedinice odgovaraju ispod većine standardnih ormarića. Preporučujemo da izmjerite koliko prostora imate od dna ormarića do vrha vašeg ormarića kako biste bili sigurni da imate dovoljno mjesta.

Don’t know what Vitamix is perfect for you?

You have a question?
Write to me and I will help you choose the best Vitamix for you.

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